Base Values (enter data)

Future Changes (optional)

Estimate Monthly Surplus (optional)


Getting Started:

  1. Enter your current/starting values in the Base Values section. This section is pre-populated with example data. Overwrite as required.
  2. Click the Calculate button to see your financial projections (top left of page)
  3. View different elements of your projection using the chart selection buttons above (top right of page)

Additional Features:

  • Add future changes using the Add Change button to model different scenarios
  • Use the Monthly Surplus calculator to estimate your savings capacity. Negative numbers work also
  • Export your projections to PDF using the Export PDF button

Notes, Assumptions and Limitations:
The projection calculations are centred around the Monthly Surplus.
The Monthly Surplus is the amount left over after all expenses, including mortgage payments, have been deducted from your net income. This number can be negative.
When the monthly surplus is negative, the calculation will use a cascading logic. If the deficit can be taken from the Cash account, it will. If not, it will attempt to drawdown on the Investment account. If sufficient funds are not available in the Investment account, it will attempt to drawdown from Super. If sufficient funds are not available in Super, the projection will stop, and the final projected net worth values will be displayed

No consideration of age (relevant for access to Super etc)

No consideration of tax

This is not Financial Advice.
This is a financial projection tool only.